About the program:
The MyPractice is a continued medical education program proposed by VYDENCE® to the doctors that use our products and technologies may share their experiences in a practical and quick way. Beyond Brazil, the case reports presented at MyPractice are all around the world, including USA, Canada, Spain and even Australia!
Check out the best reports sent by doctors using the ETHEREA-MX® platform.
Rosacea treatment with 1064nm micropulsed Laser – Dynamics®
Maria G Gutierrez,
Aesthetic Medicine,
Santander, Cantabria, Spain.
Rejuvenation with a combination of LASERs: ProDeep® and DualMode®
Ronen Magun,
Beersheba, Israel
Treatment of aged skin using a non ablative fractional LASER: ProDeep® 1340 nm
Sabrina Legrand,
Aesthetic Medicine
Béthune - France
Treatment of vascular malformation in the face
with IPL-Sq®
Jenny Rey,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Célia Kalil,
Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil
A Multi-Modality treatment approach using IPL-Sq®, ProDeep® and ACROMA-QS®
Dr. Lisa Kellett,
Toronto, Ontario - Canada
André Miquelin,
vascular surgeon
São José do Rio Preto, SP - Brazil
Dr. Raed Khoury,
Kiryat Bialik, Israel
Rafael Pimenta,
angiologist and vascular surgeon
Botucatu, SP - Brazil
Treatment of localized scleroderma with IPL-Sq®
Tadeu Vasconcelos,
Santo Andre, SP - Brazil
Flávia P. Reginatto,
Passo Fundo, RS - Brazil
Maisa Pamponet,
Salvador - BA, Brazil
Stela Cignachi,
Caxias do Sul - RS, Brazil
Fabíola Azevedo G. L. Leme,
Jundiaí - SP, Brazil
Maria Cecília Siqueira Lombardi,
São João da Boa Vista - SP, Brazil
Erika de Oliveira Monteiro,
São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Stela Cignachi,
Caxias do Sul - RS, Brazil
Tatiana Simis,
São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Cíntia Freitas Martins,
Atibaia - SP, Brazil
Ana Paula Farias Jorge,
São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Livia Lyra,
angiologist and vascular surgeon
Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil
Valeria Taborda, dermatologist
Bauru, SP - Brazil
Bruno Ferraz,
angiologist and vascular surgeon
Balneário Camboriú, SC - Brazil
Bruna Lenz, dermatologist
Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil
Carlos Eduardo de Freitas Jorge,
vascular surgeon
Belo Horizonte, MG - Brazil
Gilvana Bonella, dermatologist
Passo Fundo, RS - Brazil
Fátima Brito, dermatologist
Recife, PE - Brazil
Adriano Carvalho Guimarães,
angiologist and vascular surgeon
Santo Antônio da Platina, PR - Brazil
Guilherme Bueno,
São José do Rio Preto, SP - Brazil
Luciena C. M. Ortigosa,
Presidente Prudente, SP - Brazil
Tattoo removal with the
ACROMA-QS® and DualMode® combination.
Marina Maldaner,
Assis - Brazil
Luz Marina Hannah Grohs,
Curitiba - PR, Brazil
Vascular lesions treatment and collagen stimulation with IPL-Sq®
Anna Tomkowiak,
Aesthetic medicine,
Wroclaw - Poland
Deise Mendes Dias Pereira,
Conselheiro Lafaiete - MG, Brazil
Larissa Nicchio,
Colatina - ES, Brazil
Treatment of dark circles with picosecond laser
Jenny Rey,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Treatment of sagging and stretch marks in belly using a non – ablative fractional laser
Dr. Katia Salomon,
Aesthetic Medicine
La Roche Sur Yon - France
Treatment of Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation after adverse skin reaction to medication.
Dr. Simone Veloso
Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil
Post-operative facial scar treatment with Nd: YAP laser - ProDeep®
Dr. Bertrand Pusel
La Colle sur Loup, France
Photoaging and Telangiectasia Treatment with IPL-Sq®, LongPulse® and DualMode®
Dr. Fernando Alves
Cascavel, PR - Brazil
Decolletage rejuvenation with Pulsed Light – IPL-Sq® and Er:YAG laser - DualMode®
Dra. Maria Natalia Jorro
Dermatology specialist,
Argentina, AR
Treatment of Ocre dermatitis and scars after vascular surgery with QS and picosecond lasers:
ACROMA-QS® and handPICO®
Dra. Maria Natalia Jorro
Dermatology specialist,
Argentina, AR
Treatment of Sagging Arms with one session of ProDeep - 1340 nm non-ablative Nd:YAP laser
Stephanie Acuña Arce
San José – Costa Rica
Micropulsed Nd:YAG 1064 nm (Dynamics®) for post-burn wound treatment in patient phototype V
Dr. Raquel Felix Feital
Duque de Caxias, Brazil
Treatment of Melasma in phototype V with Acroma-QS®
Dr. Fabíola Picosse
São Paulo, Brazil
handPICO treatment of hyperchromia in the leg of a FST VI patient
Dasha Josephus
Cape Town, South Africa
Treatment of nasal telangiectasias with a single session using IPL-Sq®
Dr. Giancarlo Farjardo Ramíez
Bogota, Colombia
Eyelid sagging treatment
with Dualmode®
Dr. Alexandre Filippo
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
LongPulse® for the treatment of onychomycosis
Dr Chraïbi Rim
Rabat - Marrocos
Check out the best reports sent by doctors using the ZYE® platform.
Combining treatments for best results: ProDeep® and DualMode® in the same session
Benjamin Collin,
Aesthetic Medicine
Dudelange, Luxembourg
ZYE ALX® 755 nm in the treatment of ochre dermatitis
Alexandre Filippo,
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
ZYE ALX® 755 nm in the treatment of Pseudofolliculitis Barbae
Alexandre Filippo,
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
ZYE ALX® 755 nm in rejuvenation: lightening spots and toning effect
Alexandre Filippo,
Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brazil
ZYE YAG® 1064 nm in
the treatment of vascular
lesions in the lower extremities
Carlos Eduardo de Freitas Jorge, vascular surgeon
Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil
ZYE YAG® 1064 nm
in the treatment of
vascular lesions on the face
Carlos Eduardo de Freitas Jorge, vascular surgeon
Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil
ZYE YAG® 1064 nm in the treatment of vascular lesions
in the lower extremities
Carlos Eduardo de Freitas Jorge, vascular surgeon
Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil
DualMode® Er:YAG - Full Face Resurfacing and Eyelid Flaccidity.
Phillip Solomon,
Plastic Surgeon
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dr. Katia Salomon,
Aesthetic Medicine
La Roche Sur Yon - France
Tattoo removal with the handPICO® LASER
Dr. Rachel Garcia, MD.,
Porto Alegra/RS - Brazil
Combination of non-ablative fractional laser - ProDeep® - and picosecond laser – handPICO® for facial rejuvenation
Dr. Hugues Cartier,
Arras, France
Active acne treatment with non-ablative fractional laser - Nd: Yap laser - ProDeep®
Dr Ruhangiz Mammadova
Dermatologist PhD
Baku, Azerbaijan
Laser Tightening using the ZYE YAG® 5-15/LT Handpiece
Dr. Emerson Alves
Sao Paulo, Brazil