handPICO treatment of hyperchromia in the leg of a FST VI patient
Dasha Josephus,
Cape Town, South Africa
Dasha Josephus used the ETHEREA-MX® platform, with the handPICO® handpiece.
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation is characterized by the presence of dark spots that appear on the skin after an inflammatory process, such as burns, irritating skin lesions, cosmetic procedures, acne vulgaris, among others. It is more common in patients with higher phototypes.
The treatment of hyperpigmentation must be done carefully, especially in dark skin and resources such as chemical peels and lasers can be used, alone or in combination. The most commonly used lasers are those that work with Q-Switched and picosecond pulse times.
The use of picosecond technology is currently the most highly regarded for the treatment of pigmented lesions, including post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Because it works with extremely short pulses, when it reaches the skin, it causes a photoacoustic effect, fragmenting the pigments, facilitating their phagocytosis.
The handPICO®, the world's first picosecond handpiece, compatible with the ETHEREA-MX® and ZYE® platforms, operates in pico (530ps) and nanoseconds (2.5ns) and has wavelengths of 1064nm and 532nm. It allows the treatment of patients with all skin types, safely and effectively.
Dasha performed 3 sessions with a 4-week interval between them.