Guilherme Bueno, dermatologist
São José do Rio Preto, SP - Brazil
This is a case report in white paper format, described by dermatologist Guilherme Bueno, from São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Bueno has used the
ETHEREA-MX® platform, with a ACROMA-QS®
handpiece and in 532 nm.
Flat warts present themselves as small brown papules and are commonly found on the face and on the dorsum of hands. The goal of the treatment is the destruction or removal of lesions. For this purpose, medical literature describes the use of topical medicaments, which provide chemical cauterization, as well as surgical procedures (electrocoagulation and curettage), cryotherapy (the destruction of lesions with liquid nitrogen) and LASER.
5 sessions, in 30 day intervals were performed:
Img. 1: before.
Img. 2: after.