LASER tightening
Valéria Campos, dermatologist
Jundiaí, SP - Brazil
This is a case report provided by the dermatologist
Dr. Valéria Campos, from Jundiaí, São Paulo, Brazil. The case described aims at rejuvenation with the stimulation of deep collagen (skin tightening effect), using the ZYE YAG® platform at 1064 nm with the 5-15/LT handpiece.
Rejuvenation of the skin is a treatment that seeks to stimulate collagen, remove pigmentary lesions and even superficial vascular lesions. The idea is to attenuate lines and wrinkles, fight mild flaccidity, restore uniform coloration to the skin (removing undesired spots), as well as providing a toning effect and glow. The most modern technologies currently available include ablative fractional LASERs (for example: DualMode®), non-ablative fractional LASERs (for example: ProDeep®), nano (ACROMA-QS®) and picosecond LASERs, as well as those with long and quasi-continuous pulses (ZYE YAG® INTENSE®).
Before and after (6 sessions)