Combination of non-ablative fractional laser - ProDeep® - and picosecond laser – handPICO® for facial rejuvenation

Dr. Hugues Cartier,


Arras. France

This is a case study on a treatment by dermatologist Dr. Hugues Cartier, from Arras, France, using the ZYE ALX® platform with handPICO® and ProDeep® handpieces.

  • Signs of changes in skin quality, likely related to skin aging, can be visible through the loss of skin elasticity, the presence of pigmentary lesions, wrinkles and acne scarring.

  • Facial rejuvenation treatment encompasses improvements to the skin to ensure a more youthful appearance, which can be achieved through topicals, microneedling or lasers.

  • The handPICO®, the world's first picosecond handpiece, operates in picoseconds (530ps) and nanoseconds (2.5ns) and has wavelengths of 1064nm and 532nm. It has several spot sizes, including a microfractionated lens (MLA), allowing for treatment of patients with different skin types with safety and efficacy.

  • The ProDeep® handpiece is a Nd:YAP laser with the unique 1340 nm wavelength. It is a non-ablative fractional laser with little absorption by water, penetrating deeper than others wavelenghts. It also allows for the treatment of acne scars and stimulates collagen production, without restriction to Fitzpatrick skin type.

  • Bellow is a patient case study from Dr. Cartier achieved with the combination of 2 handpieces of different wavelengths, both compatible with the ETHEREA-MX®, ZYE-ALX®, and ZYE-YAG® platforms. After just one treatment session, the patient exhibits a reduction in pigmentary lesions, improved skin texture and improved acne scarring.
Check out the result:

