Decolletage rejuvenation with Pulsed Light –

IPL-Sq® and Er:YAG laser - DualMode®

Dra. Maria Natalia Jorro

Dermatology specialist, Argentina

This is a treatment report carried out by the Dermatology specialist Dra. Maria Natalia Jorro Ciuffo, from Villa Mercedes, San Luis, Argentina, using the ETHEREA-MX® platform, with the DualMode® and IPL-Sq® handpieces.

  • The signs de of aging of the skin in the decolletage region, can be manifested through the presence of pigmentary lesions, vascular lesions and wrinkles. It is an area that has naturally thinner skin, with fewer sebaceous glands and, therefore, is more difficult to heal, making it difficult to choose the ideal procedure for its treatment.

  • For a correct and more complete treatment for the decolletage wrinkles, the association of technologies with intense pulsed light and ablative laser guarantees greater effectiveness, lower risk with a smaller number of sessions.

  • The IPL-Sq® handpiece has a square wave pulse, wide variation in pulse time (5 – 100ms) and 580nm,640nm and 695nm filters (among others) it allows the adjustment of the treatment for patients with different skin types. The DualMode® Handpiece working with 2940nm – Er:YAG is an ablative fractional laser, with high absorption by water, allowing more aggressive treatments (in dual mode pulse) to less aggressive (with single pulse).

  • Dra. Natalia combined the two handpieces, both compatibles with ETHEREA-MX® and ZYE® platforms, to treat the wrinkles in the decolletage. She started with IPL-Sq® and then applied DualMode® . The result in a single session and the parameters used are described below.
Check out the result:
