Photoaging and Telangiectasia Treatment with IPL-Sq®, LongPulse® and DualMode®

Dr. Fernando Alves

Dermatologist, Cascavel, PR - Brazil

Dr. Fernando Alves used the ETHEREA-MX® platform with the IPL-Sq®, LongPulse® and DualMode® handpieces

  • Photoaging is caused by excessive and unprotected exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Furthermore, over the years and genetic, metabolic and hormonal factors themselves also cause the decline of collagen and elastin. The lack of these proteins results in the signs related to aging, such as: fine and deep wrinkles, rough texture, spots and dilated vessels.

  • In most cases, treatments for both photoaging and facial telangiectasias involve the use of intense pulsed light, laser and radiofrequency.

  • IPL-Sq®, LongPulse® and DualMode® handpieces are compatible with the ETHEREA-MX® and ZYE® platforms. These three handpieces are indicated for rejuvenation and IPL-Sq® and LongPulse® provide great results for telangiectasias as well.

  • In this case, Doctor Fernando combined the tips alternately during the sessions. The LongPulse® handpiece was used both in longpulse mode for telangiectasias and in micropulse mode to perform Thermal Peeling. The LaserPeel was performed with the DualMode® tip. There were 6 sessions on the face and neck, with an interval of 21 days between them.
Check out the result:
